What Is The Use Of Abstract Class In Php

An abstract class in php an abstract class is used to define a basic skeleton or a blueprint for a child classes.

What is the use of abstract class in php. Use of abstract classes are that all base classes implementing this class should give implementation of abstract methods declared in parent class. Since i am starter my implementation of my php code in oop concepts so i am really willing to know about the usage and benefits or when to use constructor in php abstract class. Making the classmethod abstract ensures that it cannot be used on its own but must be specialized to define the details that have been left out of the high level implementation. An abstract class is defined using the abstract keyword and abstract is a type of class.

A class which extends an abstract class must define some or all of its abstract methods. An abstract class is a class that has at least one abstract method. When a class says i extend abstract class y it is saying i use some methods or properties already defined in this other class named y. In order to create an abstract method you use the abstract keyword as follows.

Please provide an example in real world context to grab the concept better. Abstract classesmethods are generally used when a class provides some high level functionality but leaves out certain details to be implemented by derived classes. An abstract class can contain abstract as well as non abstract methods. An abstract method is a method that do not have implementation.

And an abstract class is something like an interface in php. An abstract class is the foundation for another object. Instead we need to create child classes that add the code into the bodies of the methods and use these child classes to create objects. The parent class also serves a template for common methods that will be implemented by its subclasses.

An abstract classes cannot be instantiated directly. Unlike c abstract classes in php are declared with the help of abstract keyword. Also an abstract class cant directly create an object by the class. So consider the following php.

Abstract classes are the classes in which at least one method is abstract. Abstract methods can only have names and arguments and no other code. Thus we cannot create objects out of abstract classes. To make the parent classes more general and abstract php provides abstract method and abstract class.

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