Abstract Factory Java Example
In this example ill create a simple dog factory that can return a variety of dog types where the dog that is returned matches the criteria i specify.
Abstract factory java example. You can already look deeper into different real time examples of abstract factory in jdk distribution. Abstract factory pattern says that just define an interface or abstract class for creating families of related or dependent objects but without specifying their concrete sub classesthat means abstract factory lets a class returns a factory of classes. Abstract factory pattern in java abstract factory pattern class definitions. Abstract factory design pattern example.
Public class macoscheckbox implements checkbox atoverride public void paint systemoutprintlnyou have created macoscheckbox. Mostly we dont know about the implementation class which is hidden to the end user and an object of the implementation class is provided by the factory method. In this example shape is the abstract class and its implementation is provided by the rectangle and circle classes. Abstract factory pattern is factory of factories and can be easily extended to accommodate more products for example we can add another sub class laptop and a factory laptopfactory.
This is the super class of all the factories in the pattern implementationthis provides a suitable interface to create a group of similar type of objects or family of products. In this example well create two implementations of the factory method design pattern. After that well manage access to them using an abstract factory abstractfactory. This type of design pattern comes under creational pattern as this pattern provides one of the best ways to create an object.
Abstract factory pattern. Uml class diagram example for the abstract factory design pattern. In this article ill demonstrate a small but complete example of the factory pattern also known as the factory design pattern and factory method implemented in java. So this is the reason that abstract factory pattern is one level higher than the factory pattern.
Abstract factory design pattern provides approach to code for interface rather than implementation. All products families have the same varieties macoswindows. Implements the operations declared in the abstractfactory to create concrete product objects. Declares an interface for operations that create abstract product objects.
Abstract factory patterns work around a super factory which creates other factories. An example of the abstract factory design pattern in the jdk is the newinstance of javaxxmlparsersdocumentbuilderfactory class.