Abstract Class Vs Concrete Class Java

In java we can achieve abstraction using interfaces and abstract classes.

Abstract class vs concrete class java. An abstract method is declared by abstract keyword such methods cannot have a body. Example of abstract class vs concrete class. It can also extend an abstract class or implement an interface as long as it implements all their methods. In other words we can say that any class which is not abstract is a concrete class.

In java abstraction is achieved using abstract classes and interfaces. If a class contains an abstract method then it also needs to be abstract. An abstract class is only made up of abstract methods. A concrete class in java is a type of subclass which implements all the abstract method of its super abstract class which it extends to.

This flexibility also called abstraction allows us to think in more general terms about the domain were trying to model. A concrete class is a class that has an implementation for all of its methods. On the other hand concrete classes are the fully implemented classes they have all the methods which there definition and there object can be instantiated. Abstract classes should have at least one abstract method ie methods without a body.

A class which has the abstract keyword in its declaration is called abstract class. It is a complete class and can be instantiated. Classes can be either concrete or abstract depending on the level of implementation of their method functionalities. An abstract class contains abstract methods which a child class.

An abstract class can be considered as a limited version of a regular concrete class where it may contain partially implemented methods. They cannot have any unimplemented methods. An abstract class can extend from only one abstract or concrete class but can implement any number of interfaces. Abstract classes allow you to create blueprints for concrete classes.

A concrete class completely implements all its methods. A concrete class is where the implementations for the member functions are provided. It is like the final implementation of a blueprint in case you are extending it some. A concrete class is derived from the base class ie.

Following are the important differences between abstract class and a concrete class. Concrete classes not all java types implement all their methods though.

How Is Abstract Class Different From Concrete Class Stack Overflow

How Is Abstract Class Different From Concrete Class Stack Overflow

Interface Vs Abstract Class Vs Concrete Class Youtube

Interface Vs Abstract Class Vs Concrete Class Youtube

Concrete Class In Java Geeksforgeeks

Concrete Class In Java Geeksforgeeks

Abstract Factory Pattern Wikipedia

Abstract Factory Pattern Wikipedia

What Is Abstract Class And Interface In Java Sevenmentor

What Is Abstract Class And Interface In Java Sevenmentor